General Meeting
We hold a General Meeting each fall at MHS to elect oncoming board members, review the past year’s activities, and present the budget and program goals for the coming year. The meeting includes a luncheon where we hear from the Principal and honor selected students for their outstanding citizenship. Attending this meeting is a great way to get involved and see what MHMAA is all about.
Spring Celebration
Our Spring Celebration is a great opportunity to socialize with other alumni and have a good time! This is our major fundraising event held to celebrate the good things MHMAA is doing. The MHS principal and other staff members are present to tell us first hand how our presence is helping Morningside today.
To be announced as planned

Other Volunteer Activities
Ask Us!
MHMAA always needs volunteers! We encourage you to select and suggest activities that interest you. You can support the organization by joining a Committee and sharing your personal skills. Volunteers who enjoy being on campus have participated in:
career weeks
scholarship awards program
lunch buddies program
landscape projects
mock job interviews
other areas of focused need.
Our goal is to have a Class Rep for each graduating class, so please contact us if this is a way you’d like to help.
Class Reunions/Other Alumni Events
Let us know how we can help!
We try to support all class reunions and other Morningside alumni groups through this website. Let us know how we can help facilitate communication about these kinds of events.