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Give Back Projects
2016 - 2018 Give Back Projects
Recognition of Outstanding Citizenship
Students were awarded $25 ASB cards In October to cover the costs
of student activities (including plays and sporting events)
Teacher Grants
Teacher Grants were awarded for
much needed projects and activities, including:
MESA science fair competition supplies.
Field trip for special education students.
Flight supplies for engineering pathways.
Instructional supplies for severe special education students. .
Field trip and books for English students to Barnes and Noble Book Store.
Spotlight for drama productions.
Student government activities focused on fundraising.
Graphing calculators for math classes.
Robotics for engineering pathways
Projector and flat screen TV for the library.
Scholarship Program Begins Each Spring!
Recognition of Outstanding Citizenship
Twenty-five students awarded $25 ASB cards In October to cover the costs of student activities (including plays and sporting events)
Scholarships and Awards
$18,225 awarded to deserving students
9 - $1,000 Academic Scholarships;
1 - $500 Academic Scholarship;
2 - $300 Torch Awards;
1 - $1,500 Craig Silsbee Memorial Trade Scholarship;
2 - $500 Scholarships on behalf of the
W. A. Tucker Foundation;
10 - $500 Continuing College Scholarships.
25 - $25 ASB cards for outstanding citizenship.
Teacher Grants
Teacher Grants totaling $10,292 awarded for the following
much needed projects and activities.
MESA science fair competition supplies.
Uniforms for the girls varsity basketball team.
Field trip to the Los Angles College of Music to explore higher education opportunities in music.
Field trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific for special education students
Instructional supplies for severe special education students. .
Field trip and books for English students to Border's Book Store to explore reading for fun.
Drama production supplies and costumes.
Student government activities focused on fundraising and community service.
Funds for ongoing growth and development of the MHS Marching Band
Field trip to the Museum of Latin American Art.
2015 -2016 Give Back Projects

In 2014 - 2015 - MHMAA Gave Back $26,700
We're Enriching the Lives of Students!
2014 - 2015 Give-Back Projects

Scholarships and Awards: Scholarships (totalling $14,300) were awarded to college bound students, students demonstrating exemplary courage and caring on behalf of others, and former scholarship winners continuing their college education. As part of the Craig Silsbee Memorial Fund, Trade Tech Scholarships were be awarded to deserving seniors who will pursue advance training in auto mechanics and landscaping.
Student Body Activity Cards: ASB cards (totalling $500) were awarded to 20 students with outstanding citizenship.
Teacher Grants: Grants (totalling $7,600) were awarded for College Field Trips, MESA Science Competition; Graphing Calculations; Instruments and Supplies for the MHS Band; Four College Prep Workshops for Parents and Students; Two Field Trips for Special Education students to the LA Zoo and the Aquarium; Safety Glasses and Ultraviolet Sterilization Cabinet for the Chemistry Laboratory; Website Software for the The Side Times; Field Trips to the Museum of Tolerance and the Museum of Latin American Art.
Special Projects: MHMAA provided $4,300 for educational supplies to special education students and for STEM students to explore off-campus innovative group learning programs in science, technology and math.
Completed Projects 2013 -2014
We Gave Back Nearly $20,000

MHMAA supported transportation costs for two field trips - one to the Museum of Tolerance and one to the Aquarium of the Pacific

MESA students showing their science project.

Mr. Stanton, Social Studies Teacher, received a grant to take his students to the Museum of Tolerance.

MHMAA supported transportation costs for two field trips - one to the Museum of Tolerance and one to the Aquarium of the Pacific
Scholarships and awards.
Student Body Activity cards.
The first online version of the school's newspaper
Scientific probes for the Math Department to provide a practical demonstration of mathematical models.
A visit to the Museum of Tolerance for social studies students learning about the historical experiences of others.
Instructional materials and student supplies for freshmen entering the new AVID program (Advancement Via Individual Determination).
New lockers for the Music Department to help secure musical instruments.
A “Discovery Trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific” for special education students.
Science projects and competitions at local colleges for students participating in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
Motivational supplies to encourage students to apply to college.
Mentoring of students as part of the ongoing Lunch Buddies Program.
Instructional supplies to Inglewood’s Special Education Program to assist students become independent adults
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right arrow in the middle of the picture.
Completed Give-Back Projects: 2012 – 2013

Guitar Class In Session

Marla (Illingworth) Schroeder '62 with 2013 W. A. Tucker Foundation Award Winner

Guitar Class In Session
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right arrow in the middle of the picture.
• Purchased needed equipment for the football program.
• Continued mentoring of students on campus as part of the ongoing, monthly Lunch Buddies Program
Over $19,000 Given Back to MHS
• Five Scholarships to college bound students; four Torch Awards to students demonstrating exemplary courage and caring on behalf of others; two Continuing College Awards to past MHS scholarship winners and Ten Student Body Activity cards for students with outstanding citizenship
• Supported a new program called, “Animal Discovery at the Zoo”, that allows special education students to visit the Los Angeles Zoo and learn first-hand how animals adapt to their unique surroundings.
• Continued support of the Music Department, including the purchase of guitars and cases for the new guitar class and the repair of lockers for musical instruments.
• Continued support to the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) team to develop projects and participate in competitions at local colleges.
• Co-sponsored a Senior Week event to celebrate student accomplishments and graduation.
• Purchased new uniforms for the cheerleading squad and supported their attendance at a summer training workshop.
Past Give-Back Projects: 2009 – 2012
• Scholarships to college bound students; awards to students demonstrating exemplary courage and caring on behalf of others; and Student Body Activity cards for students with outstanding citizenship
• Teacher grants that promote student learning such as drama productions, science fair competitions, and student construction projects
• Supporting the Music Department by providing new and repaired instruments, sheet music and other orchestra, band and classroom needs
• Defraying the costs of an annual summit college trip for a service group.
• Supporting the installation of DirecTV on campus and purchasing a flat screen television for the social studies classroom so students could view democracy in action
• Conversion of an unused locker cage into an attractive covered eating common
• Purchasing books for a newly formed Book Club
• Participating in campus activities where alumni and former faculty share life journeys with students
• Student mentoring, including a monthly Lunch Buddies Program
• Purchasing gymnasium chairs and monarch floor mats for student events.
• Assisting the athletic program to assure continued home games for the basketball team and cheerleader participation.
• Funding of landscaping projects for campus beautification.

Perpetual MHMAA Scholarship Recipient Plaque

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